Small Fry with RC Booster + Tech 21 Liverpool

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Small Fry with RC Booster + Tech 21 Liverpool

Postby Indianrock » Fri Nov 11, 2011 5:41 pm

Hi I'm just looking for some advice on how to order these pedals. Earlier I had the Small Fry before the Liverpool ( after the RC ) and it seemed that the output of the Small Fry was swallowed up by the Tech 21. With the order below its much better, not sure why. Generally I like to leave the RC on all the time.

Guitar>Small Fry>RC Booster>Tech 21 Liverpool>EHX Memory Boy Delay>DI>PA
Guitars: Carvin AE185, 74 Fender Strat
Pedal Board
ABY pedal>
Signal chain A: Korg AX1500x multi effect running
chorus and hall reverb>DI>PA channel 1
Signal Chain B: Small Fry>RC Booster>Tech21 Liverpool>Boss DD7>DI>PA channel 2
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Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:09 am
Location: Cool, CA

Re: Small Fry with RC Booster + Tech 21 Liverpool

Postby bigal » Sat Nov 19, 2011 8:48 am

I don't have experience with the Liverpool or the RC booster, but I'd try running the RC booster last. You might also try lowering the output of the Small Fry. The Liverpool may not have the headroom to handle all that input. This is a good example of why the high headroom of pedals like the Barb EQ and Launch Pad is so important.
Tone Press, Gain Changer, Barb EQ[/color], VFE Alpha Dog
(MXR Chorus, Boss Tremolo, TC Flashback)
Guitars: American Standard Telecaster (Dimarzio Area T Hot/Area T Neck), Richmond Belmont, Godin LG Signature, PRS SE Soapbar II
Amps: Rivera Quiana (Weber Legacy); Clark Beaufort Spec. (Mojotone BV30H); Traynor Darkhorse (Eminence Ragin' Cajun)
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Re: Small Fry with RC Booster + Tech 21 Liverpool

Postby Indianrock » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:49 pm

RC Booster last. Well I'll give it a try although I never would have thought of that arrangement.
Guitars: Carvin AE185, 74 Fender Strat
Pedal Board
ABY pedal>
Signal chain A: Korg AX1500x multi effect running
chorus and hall reverb>DI>PA channel 1
Signal Chain B: Small Fry>RC Booster>Tech21 Liverpool>Boss DD7>DI>PA channel 2
Posts: 5
Joined: Fri Feb 26, 2010 11:09 am
Location: Cool, CA

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