Direct Drive Dual Channel

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Direct Drive Dual Channel

Postby Jon » Thu Jun 15, 2017 11:33 am

Hi - are you still making these at all?
Gibson ES-137 Classic/Fender Strat Plus/Warmoth custom guitar into - Sonic Turbo Tuner, Fulltone Clyde Deluxe Wah, ZVex 2-In-1, Barber Direct Drive Dual Channel, another Barber Direct Drive Dual Channel, Zendrive, Neo Ventilator Mini, Mojo Vibe, Retro-Sonic Phaser, Earthquaker Despatch Master, TC Flashback Delay - into '73 Fender Twin w. Celestion G12-65 speakers
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Re: Direct Drive Dual Channel

Postby kicknsnare » Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:01 am

You can put me down for one! :D
Gibson Les Paul's, SG's. G&L Asat, Legacy and PRS Mira Guitars. Marshall, Engl, Fender and Roland Amps. Various top branded and classic pedals and effects including Barber DD, LTD, LTD SR, Compact DD,Compact Gain Changer, Small Fry, Dual Unlimited, 1/2 Gainer and Trifecta.
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Re: Direct Drive Dual Channel

Postby kicknsnare » Sun Nov 12, 2017 11:19 pm

I got one on ebay and it's on it's way and I can't wait to try it out. The single
Direct Drive with Mod board I have is just fantastic. I stack it with a LTD SR.
So when I get the DD/DC I'll set the first channel on light edgy drive
and the second with a tad more drive. :D
Gibson Les Paul's, SG's. G&L Asat, Legacy and PRS Mira Guitars. Marshall, Engl, Fender and Roland Amps. Various top branded and classic pedals and effects including Barber DD, LTD, LTD SR, Compact DD,Compact Gain Changer, Small Fry, Dual Unlimited, 1/2 Gainer and Trifecta.
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Re: Direct Drive Dual Channel

Postby kicknsnare » Sat Nov 25, 2017 2:31 am

It arrived, but with a broken switch and stuck in the red channel.
So back it goes unfortunately. So I'm still in the market to buy one.
Gibson Les Paul's, SG's. G&L Asat, Legacy and PRS Mira Guitars. Marshall, Engl, Fender and Roland Amps. Various top branded and classic pedals and effects including Barber DD, LTD, LTD SR, Compact DD,Compact Gain Changer, Small Fry, Dual Unlimited, 1/2 Gainer and Trifecta.
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Location: Australia

Re: Direct Drive Dual Channel

Postby djw » Fri Dec 15, 2017 4:04 pm

I just got mine! Been watching for them on Reverb, finally scored. I'm a happy camper.

I've read some reports that it's a little On The Dark Side (heh) which makes me wonder if these people did anything with the internal trim pots. But even if they had, so far I am completely ok with it if that's true. My first spin with my DDDC was into an amp that's fairly bright and stiff and makes pedals sound harsh without some tweaking (I am including my various DIrect Drives in this assessment too)... and the DDDC sounded amazing right out of the box. I think it's going to be a real go-to for me.

I have a question about the trim pots, in case David's reading: do you have recommended or default settings for those? I opened my DDDC up when I got home last night and absentmindedly set them all to noon before I'd had a chance to really mess with the pedal at volume... they were kind of all over the place when I first opened it (i.e., wherever the previous owner had left them before packing it up and shipping it to me).

Anyway, loving it! Thanks for another amazing pedal, I'm psyched to have what's probably going to be a collectors' item. Awesome design too!
Gibsons (LP, LP Special, SG Std, 335), Fenders (Teles & Strats)
Mesas (LSC, LSS, ElectraDyne, MiniRec, TA15), Fenders (BFDR, PRRI), Marshalls (2204, DSL40c)
2xCDD, 2xGC, LTD, SR, SR+, DD, LG, 2xDDSS, DDDC, BUSS, GCX, LG>SR Dual Discrete, Trifecta, Small Fry, Tone Press, CTP
19 Barber pedals total
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