www.PedalBoardplanner.com needs barber pedals

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www.PedalBoardplanner.com needs barber pedals

Postby Jerich » Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:50 am

This is a great site it allows you to make your pedal board and photograph it. But....there is no Barber pedals there yet? Can we get David to submit his pedals to them? I refuse to make one until Barber is on it...I got Pigtronix on here now we need Barber Electronics?

7 string guitar->zaolla cables->axess BS-2a->Pigtronix Philophers tone->Radial Loop Trifecta,Dirty Bomb, tech 21 DLA,Pigtronics Echolution"->GXC Switcher with 8 loops,1-Digitech DL-8,2-Boss-dd-3,3-DD-7,4-Barber 1/2gainer,5-ISP decimator,6-ilb Violin Fuzz,7-eventide pitchfactor,8-Brunetti Burning pedal,->AMP Brunetti evo120xl
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Joined: Fri Apr 17, 2009 2:23 pm
Location: Folsom PA

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