new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

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new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby gonzo-x » Tue Mar 30, 2010 10:51 am


it's called "Just walk away"

it's about dealing with dead end jobs, depression, end of your milkshake, whatever you need it to be i guess.

UPDATED LINK 4-19-2010:

Direct Drive SS, on guitar rhythms, solos, and even some bass guitar

Tone Press, on some cleaner guitar parts, and used as a clean boost on all solos, and all bass guitar.
Last edited by gonzo-x on Tue May 04, 2010 11:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Barber Katrina Relief DDSS, Barber Tone press, Carvin DC200K, Williams Special, USACG strat, '81 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb head, Avatar vintage cab w/Heritage g12h, Yamaha DG Stomp, asstd. other pedals
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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby plan-x » Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:43 pm

I don't think the link works.

Gain-Changer Tone Press (w/B-Buff) I Have had most Barbers
Timmy, Zendrive (Chorus, delay & wah....the usual stuff)
Mesa Boogie Lonestar Classic 2x12 combo / Traynor YCV-40 head conv / Cabs 1x12's, Detuned 2x12's (Stereo rig)

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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby gonzo-x » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:54 pm

Barber Katrina Relief DDSS, Barber Tone press, Carvin DC200K, Williams Special, USACG strat, '81 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb head, Avatar vintage cab w/Heritage g12h, Yamaha DG Stomp, asstd. other pedals
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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby plan-x » Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:34 am

Ok, the 2nd link comes right up. My computer is running slow these days. Nice rocker. It's got a nice back beat that gets yer foot a tappin. Like the wah solo stuff, gets down and nasty. Your vocal is getting better, more in the zone and comfortable. Sounds good dude! ;)

Gain-Changer Tone Press (w/B-Buff) I Have had most Barbers
Timmy, Zendrive (Chorus, delay & wah....the usual stuff)
Mesa Boogie Lonestar Classic 2x12 combo / Traynor YCV-40 head conv / Cabs 1x12's, Detuned 2x12's (Stereo rig)

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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby gonzo-x » Wed Apr 07, 2010 11:12 am

thanks for checking it plan-x

i guess the vocal is in my mid range on this one....
i don't know, i dont' really think about it when i write them, i just end up with what i end up with.

but i LOVE using the DDSS to craft rhythm and lead tones, i rarely just use the amp alone.
i like pushing the input gain a bit more, and then using the drive and tone control to 'craft' the edge factor, with the extra gain coming from the volume ouput.
a great pedal.
Barber Katrina Relief DDSS, Barber Tone press, Carvin DC200K, Williams Special, USACG strat, '81 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb head, Avatar vintage cab w/Heritage g12h, Yamaha DG Stomp, asstd. other pedals
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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby gonzo-x » Mon Apr 19, 2010 1:13 pm

"Just Walked Away" - new tracks, new mix ... EDAWAY.mp3


it's my "say 'no' to depression" public service announcement.

re-tracked every vocal, remixed from scratch. lots of your suggestions used for reference.
the lead vocal was tracked twice, and panned 4% Left, 7% right, with slightly hotter mix on the left track.
Each harmony vocal track was also tracked twice, and blended together left and right.

used a much more conservative compression on the input vocal tracking, then some more mild compression on mixdown.
i used sonar's vocal channel, with 2 serial compressions, very light on each one.

the rig:
mesa mark2b, weber mass lite, palmer pdi-09 for the capture.
avatar is for monitoring, it has a Celestion Heritage g12g-55.
no miced guitar tracks on this recording, other than the acoustic guitar.

i think this is much closer to stickin' a fork in it.
yes, no?
Barber Katrina Relief DDSS, Barber Tone press, Carvin DC200K, Williams Special, USACG strat, '81 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb head, Avatar vintage cab w/Heritage g12h, Yamaha DG Stomp, asstd. other pedals
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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby plan-x » Tue Apr 20, 2010 12:28 am

Wow! Smooth vox, just like the pro's. I suggested that? At times it imperceptable. My singer would replicate his 2nd track so close that it would not accomplish the fattening effect as well. So I would have him sing it a little looser. :lol:

Gain-Changer Tone Press (w/B-Buff) I Have had most Barbers
Timmy, Zendrive (Chorus, delay & wah....the usual stuff)
Mesa Boogie Lonestar Classic 2x12 combo / Traynor YCV-40 head conv / Cabs 1x12's, Detuned 2x12's (Stereo rig)

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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby gonzo-x » Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:49 pm

well, i cut this reply from one i was posting at the sonar site (i use sonar to track and mix with)

but, if you HAD suggested it, i would have done it!!


seriously, i've been doing double tracked vox for forever, i've gotten pretty good at it.
and i know exactly what you mean about doing the second take too perfect....
i actually have purposefully moved away from doing them spot on, because i was hearing 'phasing', almost like phase cancellation, when using exactly the same mic, in the same location, with the same preamp settings, and then blending the vox together.

i go for a looser 'reading' of the second one.
i look to Jagger for inspriration for that kind of thing.

i love the way the edge from the DDSS makes the solo stand out.

i run my Budda wah, directly into the DDSS, and this is a marraige made in heaven, to my ears.
i've got the tone press AFTER the DDSS, but i've been thinking about swapping them.

i rarely use them together, so i don't know if it really matters with the true bypass...

but i'm thinking about using the boogie clean channel, and trying all my drive sounds using only the DDSS and TP

so, DDSS into TP, or TP into DDSS?

seems with the DDSS into the TP, and the DDSS setup for greater than unity, the TP chokes the signal too much.

but, putting it the other way, i can drive the TP anywhere i want, run that into the DDSS, and use the output of the DDSS to drive the amp either smooth, or harder.

funny thing about the old mesa, when i drive the lead channel, with either the DDSS or a clean boost, i don't get any more volume.

it's like it has a governor on the lead channel, all i get is more saturation, never more level.

not the same, on the clean channel.

i think that it's strictly a BOOGIE idiosyncrasy.
Barber Katrina Relief DDSS, Barber Tone press, Carvin DC200K, Williams Special, USACG strat, '81 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb head, Avatar vintage cab w/Heritage g12h, Yamaha DG Stomp, asstd. other pedals
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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby plan-x » Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:56 am

Nah, most overdrive ch's do nothing volume wise when hit. Probably due to the compression in the amps circuit. Got nothing to lose swapping them pedals. I use my TP these days in front, with a slight push to the OD's with max sustain (3:30-4:00). Really gives the OD's more growl and thickness. It just sounds more natural to me in front.

Gain-Changer Tone Press (w/B-Buff) I Have had most Barbers
Timmy, Zendrive (Chorus, delay & wah....the usual stuff)
Mesa Boogie Lonestar Classic 2x12 combo / Traynor YCV-40 head conv / Cabs 1x12's, Detuned 2x12's (Stereo rig)

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Re: new hard rock melodic vox tune with BARBERS all over it

Postby gonzo-x » Wed May 05, 2010 5:39 pm

well, i tried the shifty-changy-presto thing, but it didn't make enough difference to warrant leaving it changed.

i've found that with my current gain setup on my amp, i like to use my tone press, and my DDSS, for different flavors, so i'm kicking them in and out at will depending on how edgy, or smooth i want certain things.
it's working out very well...
Barber Katrina Relief DDSS, Barber Tone press, Carvin DC200K, Williams Special, USACG strat, '81 Mesa Boogie Mark IIb head, Avatar vintage cab w/Heritage g12h, Yamaha DG Stomp, asstd. other pedals
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