volume diffrence with efx/loops?? please help

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volume diffrence with efx/loops?? please help

Postby jacobaf105 » Mon Sep 27, 2010 7:57 pm

hello every one sorry I have been away for so long added a new addition to the family(new baby boy).
anyway I have noticed that when I have a multi effects unit hooked up stereo in my preamp my output volume is drasticaly reduced. If I unplug the effect unit from the loops, I have knock your head off output. I like the sound of the effect unit but wonder if a stomp box style reverb and delay would keep my output volume up but also help give me the smoother sound of the effect unit? I have checked my cables swapped out the unit for a exact one and it does the same thing, I dont use any wild delays or reverb also think that easy knob twist would be alot faster for quick adj. please lend some advice on either what could cause this to help fix it or what are some good reverb/delays looked at the wayhuge aqupuss not sure on the reverb would like for them to have true bypass.

fender 72 deluxe tele, barber tonepress, digitech gsp 1101, peavey nashville 1000, rocktron velocity 300 and eminence big ben.
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Re: volume diffrence with efx/loops?? please help

Postby plan-x » Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:26 pm

There should be an internal and or external volume control somewhere in/on a multi efx unit. Stereo? Into one amp?

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Re: volume diffrence with efx/loops?? please help

Postby jacobaf105 » Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:52 pm

plan-x wrote:There should be an internal and or external volume control somewhere in/on a multi efx unit. Stereo? Into one amp?

there is a input and output knobs on the efx unit but even with the output maxed I still dont have the same output with the unit out of the loops. Played with this earlier today, left all my knobs set as I do when I play live and unplugged the efx from the loops and I had alot of back ground noise but the output volume was super super loud turned the gains down noise went away and still had tremendous output.

leaning towards a stomp box delay and reverb if I cant get this fixed.
fender 72 deluxe tele, barber tonepress, digitech gsp 1101, peavey nashville 1000, rocktron velocity 300 and eminence big ben.
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Re: volume diffrence with efx/loops?? please help

Postby jacobaf105 » Wed Sep 29, 2010 5:56 pm

i figured its the digital effect unit. I will soon be replacing it with a stompbox style effect
fender 72 deluxe tele, barber tonepress, digitech gsp 1101, peavey nashville 1000, rocktron velocity 300 and eminence big ben.
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