Just Got My Small Fry And WOW!!!

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Just Got My Small Fry And WOW!!!

Postby ShelbyStrat » Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:45 pm

Hello all,

I have been playing guitar since the early 80's. I've been a full time touring musician and a weekend warrior (which I am currently).

I wanted to post my intial review of my Small Fry that I also posted on another gear related forum.

My first session was spent with it plugged into my Egnater Rebel 30 112 combo. Just going off the factory recommended settings in the manual was impressive enough.

What an incredibly dynamic and responsive pedal.I was especially impressed at the wide range of musically diverse sounds coming from this little red box.

I was able to go from a really respectable black face type tone to a fat "D" style overdrive ending up with a creamy plexi style drive. I use these references to give everyone an idea of the pallet of tones I was able to access but in reality, the Small Fry has a wonderful identity all it's own.

The clarity and distinction of the notes leads me to believe that I will be extremely satisfied with it when I get it onstage.

All in all, I spent about 2 hours tweaking sounds and think I can spend another hour or two learning about this pedal's capabilities (haven't begun to tweak the internal pots yet).

The next step will be to get it plugged into my Super Reverb and have a go that way, then it's onto the pedal board and off to the local jam to put it through it's paces with a stage full of other instruments.

I highly recommend this pedal to anyone looking for a wide variety of sounds from a single box.

I will try to get some video put together one of these days to attempt to showcase what this little thing is capable of.

I'm just sorry it has taken me so long to try the Small Fry and Barber products. My biggest issue now is that I want MORE :-). I am going to purchase a 2nd Small Fry so I can have one on each of my pedal boards (gigging and jam)

Major kudos to the Barber crew
Custom Strat built to Woodstock specs
89 Am Std Strat
Epi Les Paul rewired and totally customized
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Gig Rig: Super Reverb, Egnater Rebel 30 112, Trainwreck Express Clone, too many pedals
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Location: Missouri

Re: Just Got My Small Fry And WOW!!!

Postby David Barber » Fri Dec 28, 2012 9:55 pm

Thank you!!!

Keep those bright switches turned-off on that Super Reverb. :D
PRS SE One, PRS SE EG, PRS McCarty rosewood neck, Anderson Hollow T, Anderson Hollow Classic, Hamer Artist, Fender Strats and Teles, All Barber Pedals, Barber Echelon, Barber Energy cab.
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Re: Just Got My Small Fry And WOW!!!

Postby ShelbyStrat » Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:59 am

Any recommendations on the internal adjustments? I'm almost too scared to start messing with those because I enjoy the pedal so much the way it is lol
Custom Strat built to Woodstock specs
89 Am Std Strat
Epi Les Paul rewired and totally customized
Gibson Les Paul Classic
PRS Custom 22
Gig Rig: Super Reverb, Egnater Rebel 30 112, Trainwreck Express Clone, too many pedals
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Dec 28, 2012 1:13 am
Location: Missouri

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