How "British" is the BC SS ??

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How "British" is the BC SS ??

Postby Dr. Hiwatt » Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:32 pm


This is a question for David or Ronni, but if anyone else has experience with this pedal, I'd be glad to hear your comments.

This is my first post to the Forum. I am a proud owner of 4 Barber pedals: Tone Press (the ONLY compressor I've ever been able to actually use and enjoy!), Direct Drive LG, LTD, and Small Fry (which is one of the most unique distortion/overdrive pedals I've ever heard - so much so, that I have 3 of 'em , and 2 of the others!).

Anyway, I play through a Hiwatt DR 103 live , which as most know, does not color your tone much and is thus great for pedals. As with a lot of players, the big problem I have with most distortion pedals is the Mids. Many pedals have a particular mid hump that you either like or not, and more often than not, can not dial it out. I know I'm in the minority, but I've never been a fan of Tube Screamers for that reason - the mid peak.

My all time favorite distortion pedal is the original Marshall Guv'nor (not those GV 2 reissues!). I was curious, then about your new B Custom Super Sport because the description says something about a "British" flavor AND about an internal Mid switch which even can be set flat.

Is there any way the pedal can be set up in the Guv'nor territory or is still more in the Tube Screamer realm??

(BTW, while I do have a Direct Drive LG, I only use it at it's lowest and most subtle gain setting, to achieve a shimmery, almost "plexi" like slight crunch, which does sound really nice).
Thanks a lot! I really love my Barber pedals - both the tone and their mil-spec/industrial strength like construction!

Dr. Hiwatt
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Re: How "British" is the BC SS ??

Postby David Barber » Thu Aug 20, 2009 1:58 pm

Dr. Hiwatt wrote: My all time favorite distortion pedal is the original Marshall Guv'nor (not those GV 2 reissues!).

Is there any way the pedal can be set up in the Guv'nor territory or is still more in the Tube Screamer realm??


Your post said "Hi Barber guys, please sell me a Dirty Bomb"... :D
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Re: How "British" is the BC SS ??

Postby Dr. Hiwatt » Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:01 pm


I can take a "hint"!! I just ordered a Dirty Bomb off of Flea Bay!

Thank you, David!

Dr. Hiwatt
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Re: How "British" is the BC SS ??

Postby Ronni » Mon Sep 14, 2009 4:15 pm

I'm confused... So the dirty Bomb doesn't sound British.. The SS can do that I think.. Whatever the British sound is. Maybe Australian like sort of AC/DC...

I love the pedal.. But not sure I think of British.. Isn't Madonna British now?
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