Dual Discrete Stock Settings (LTD, DDSS) Help please!

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Dual Discrete Stock Settings (LTD, DDSS) Help please!

Postby skeets1640 » Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:00 pm

I recently picked up a Barber Dual Discrete (LTD & DD) off of another musician. I have a few quick questions that you can hopefully help me with. The LTD side has 3 trim pots Bass, Mid, Presence and the DD side has five Bass, Mids, Presence, Note Shape, and Harmonics. Could you please tell me what would be the stock settings for these trim pots so I can start off with the trim pots in the stock positions before I make any adjustments. Thank you for your time it is very much appreciated and i am really looking forward to giving the Dual Discrete a whirl with my rig. Cheers!
Guitars: Strat (pearly gates humbucker in bridge and Fender 57/62's in middle and neck)
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Re: Dual Discrete Stock Settings (LTD, DDSS) Help please!

Postby David Barber » Fri Feb 08, 2013 12:05 am

LTD: Set the bass half way up (center of rotation), the mids at 10-11 o clock, and presence half way up.

DD: Note shape 1/4 of the way up, Harmonics set to half way up, bass set to 1 o clock, mids set to 11 o clock, presence at 1 o clock.

Then reset them all to match your amp and guitar! :D
PRS SE One, PRS SE EG, PRS McCarty rosewood neck, Anderson Hollow T, Anderson Hollow Classic, Hamer Artist, Fender Strats and Teles, All Barber Pedals, Barber Echelon, Barber Energy cab.
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David Barber
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