Gain Changer on the Way!

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Gain Changer on the Way!

Postby TeleRod » Thu May 14, 2015 1:29 pm

1st Post, hi everyone! After seeing so many positive comments around the net I finally took the plunge and ordered a Gain Changer. Should get it within a few days. I'm very excited to try it for myself. I play a Telecaster into a Vox AC-15 and I use a board with ten pedals on it. Sure hope my GC arrives before the weekend. I'll come back and report my first impressions when I get a chance to try it with the band. Have a great day. Rod.
Guitars: Telecaster of course! Amps Vox AC-15 and Fender Blues Jr. Pedals including, but not limited to: Barber Gain Changer,Boss DD-3, Hardwire RV-7, TC Shaker, MXR Micro Flanger, Black Cat Mini-Trem, Little Big Muff, Angry Fuzz, Plimsoul, OCD, Rat, OD-3, VS Open Road, Secret Freq and several others.
Style: A mash-up of Rockabilly/Honky Tonk and Blues.
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu May 14, 2015 9:18 am
Location: Oklahoma

Re: Gain Changer on the Way!

Postby TeleRod » Sat May 16, 2015 5:49 pm

Gain Changer just arrived today! Haven't got to play with it yet since I'm still at work. :( Closing time is just minutes away though! :D
Guitars: Telecaster of course! Amps Vox AC-15 and Fender Blues Jr. Pedals including, but not limited to: Barber Gain Changer,Boss DD-3, Hardwire RV-7, TC Shaker, MXR Micro Flanger, Black Cat Mini-Trem, Little Big Muff, Angry Fuzz, Plimsoul, OCD, Rat, OD-3, VS Open Road, Secret Freq and several others.
Style: A mash-up of Rockabilly/Honky Tonk and Blues.
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu May 14, 2015 9:18 am
Location: Oklahoma

Re: Gain Changer on the Way!

Postby David Barber » Sun May 17, 2015 7:20 pm

Let us know what you think once you get it fired up. When you get a chance update your sig, we give the best advice when we know more about associated gear.


PRS SE One, PRS SE EG, PRS McCarty rosewood neck, Anderson Hollow T, Anderson Hollow Classic, Hamer Artist, Fender Strats and Teles, All Barber Pedals, Barber Echelon, Barber Energy cab.
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David Barber
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Re: Gain Changer on the Way!

Postby TeleRod » Mon May 18, 2015 5:25 pm

Used my new GC for the first time Saturday night. I'm playing a Tele into a Vox AC-15 and the amp is set clean. I absolutely love this pedal! After a few minutes I found a glorious creamy tone with the Gain and Tone both at noon, both switches to the right and the Volume at about 1 o'clock. It sounded so good there I didn't change it any more the rest of the night. Every note rings out clearly in an almost compressor-like fashion. The highs are bright without being shrill and the Tele's low strings have that wonderful growl to them. I like the way it interacts with my Reverb pedal too. It seems like a lot of overdrives lose something whenever I switch the reverb on, but not the Gain Changer. It sounds the same whether it's wet or dry, terrific! This is hands-down the best overdrive I've owned, and I have had some very well known names on my board. Well done, Mr Barber! :D
Guitars: Telecaster of course! Amps Vox AC-15 and Fender Blues Jr. Pedals including, but not limited to: Barber Gain Changer,Boss DD-3, Hardwire RV-7, TC Shaker, MXR Micro Flanger, Black Cat Mini-Trem, Little Big Muff, Angry Fuzz, Plimsoul, OCD, Rat, OD-3, VS Open Road, Secret Freq and several others.
Style: A mash-up of Rockabilly/Honky Tonk and Blues.
Posts: 4
Joined: Thu May 14, 2015 9:18 am
Location: Oklahoma

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