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Postby diezelpizza » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:41 am

No Chorus Pedals ?
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Re: Chorus

Postby David Barber » Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:43 pm

No Chorus pedals!! :twisted:

I'll will explain, I am not personally a fan of the sound of chorus, I understand they have a following, I tend to build what I really like, so this could be a along time coming...unless I get a second engineer one day who is a big Pat Metheny fan. ;)
PRS SE One, PRS SE EG, PRS McCarty rosewood neck, Anderson Hollow T, Anderson Hollow Classic, Hamer Artist, Fender Strats and Teles, All Barber Pedals, Barber Echelon, Barber Energy cab.
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David Barber
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Re: Chorus

Postby diezelpizza » Thu Apr 16, 2009 8:45 pm

Thanks for getting back to me ... I was introduced to your products by Jason George @ NPProductions ... I am picking up one of your Small Fry pedals tomorrow ... ;)
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Re: Chorus

Postby DreamTheaterRules » Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:06 am

:lol: I saw that post too, Dave. I likes me some chorus. Sometimes so mild you don't know it's there til you turn it off and it seems flat without it. Just adds some air or space to the tone. And, sometimes I like the wide 80's metal type chorus. Sometimes in between.

I know what you mean though, about not building things you don't like. While we'd like you to build everything we want, we totally GET that you don't want to build things that your heart is not into. I'll get my delay, chorus and stuff elsewhere for now. You have expanded a great product line so much recently that even hard care Barber fans like me are at least 3 pedals behind! (I still haven't tried the DDSS, Dirty Bomb BOTH of which I KNOW I'll love, or the Tri, and I"m still searching for a fuzz that makes me happy...)

There's something to be said for just doing what you want, and doing it right every time. ;)
PRS 25th Anniversary Custom 22 LTD Semi Hollow, new PRS Custom24. PRS Custom 22, EBMM JP12, 50th Anniversary Am/Dlx Strat, Peavey Wolfgang, Ibanez JS 1000 + 79 Artist, Carvin Bolt T (Gibson, Taylor Acoustics)
PRS 2 Channel Custom 50, PRS 2 Channel H, Mesa Boogie Mark V25, Mesa TA 15, Mesa Mini Rectifier, Barber LP, LTDv2, CTP, Fulltone pedals.
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Re: Chorus

Postby diezelpizza » Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:08 am

I plugged in my "Small Fry" today ... Its really more like an "Amazing Atomic Galaxy Burner" All I can say about this pedal is "WOW!!!"
This is definitely the most "Amazing" sounding pedal in the "Galaxy" :D ... Shhhhh! dont tell anybody we should be the only guys that have one! ;)
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Re: Chorus

Postby Ronni » Mon Apr 20, 2009 12:09 am

diezelpizza wrote:I plugged in my "Small Fry" today ... Its really more like an "Amazing Atomic Galaxy Burner" All I can say about this pedal is "WOW!!!"
This is definitely the most "Amazing" sounding pedal in the "Galaxy" :D ... Shhhhh! dont tell anybody we should be the only guys that have one! ;)

LOL :lol:

Man I thought we sometimes have trouble with logos/fonts when we design new units... But the name of that pedal would be a bitch to fit on our chassis...
G&L Legacy Special, PRS SE soapbar II, beefed up PV Classic50 4X10, Barber pedals, Budda Wah , Line6 green/blue F/X.
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